Make More Time for YOU
I think I would be safe in assuming that most everyone loves being pampered and getting some self-care. Whether your version is a day at the spa, a glass of red wine or a bubble bath with tea candles and a good book; we all feel immensely better and more relaxed afterwards. So why don’t we do it more often? Why isn’t “me” time taken more seriously? Everyone and I mean everyone, deserves some reserved me time at least once a week.
If you’re a stay at home parent, full time employee, or WHATEVER.. you probably (most definitely) face some stressful periods during the week that need to be dealt with properly!
Stress can lead to an endless trail of issues. Poor sleep, weight gain, rashes, acne, hair loss and so many other things it’s too depressing to keep the list going!
This is why taking some time for yourself is an absolute necessity! The first step to self-care is to choose a time when you can give yourself an hour to relax every week. Part of this step is to make sure you make self-care apart of your weekly routine and also to give you something to look forward to all week!
Next is the creative part! You get to make a list of all the things that help you feel relaxed… Here’s my top 3 ideas to help get you started:
1. Glass of red wine, some chocolate and trashy TV.
2. Bubble bath with a scented bath bomb, tea candles, and the Mamma Mia soundtrack (oh, and a locked door!) ;)
3. Sitting outside with a cup of coffee and a good book.
Now go seek some help from your partner, schedule playdates, get off early, whatever you need to do to get you that hour!
During the rest of the week, make sure to take care of your basic needs to keep you from burning out before your special hour! If you’re someone who gets acne from stress, use a good skincare routine each night before going to bed to keep you from breaking out. And if you said “that’s me” when you read “rashes” earlier, then make sure you are using a good treatment to prevent any flare-ups during the week. Kamedis’ Eczema Cream and Wash are a good option for you to use even if you’re not suffering from eczema, these products help skin symptoms like dryness, itchiness, and redness. Lastly, take a deep breath, me time is coming…